Friday, April 20, 2012

Energy Policy Presentations

The year is 2020. You work for the United States Department of Energy and the president has asked you to create a presentation to give to Congress on what our future energy policy should be.

Your 4 team members are:
Team Leader/Manager (keeps team on track)
Research Coordinator  (finds info and checks facts)
Graphic Designer (ensures clear and persuasive visuals)
Lead Writer (creates persuasive and professional text)

You must explain the following:

1. Why we need a coherent energy policy.
(consider energy needs, population growth, pollution, the economy, climate change)

2. What our energy future should look like to best meet our needs
(consider short-term and long-terms needs of people and the planet.)

3. What 4 sources of energy should we most rely upon? List a percentage for each and explain why.

4. Summarize your points clearly so very busy members of congress will remember your main points.


Your overall presentation will be graded for persuasiveness and scientific accuracy (10 points)

You must create two visual aids and do a 7 minute presentation.

You must create a PowerPoint (at least 8 slides, but no more than 12) AND a one page handout with your main points on it. (10 points each)

Each person must present at least two slides and will be graded for presentation skills. (eye contact, clearly understanding the material, not reading from notes or slides, speaking loudly and clearly) (10 points)

Save your work often. E-mail your rough drafts to me ( AND to all your team members at the end of the period. You will have to work on it outside of class and in class today.

Presentations will be on Thursday, April 26th at 9:00 SHARP! 

1 comment:

  1. See what the Obama administration says about Energy Policy
